The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is engaged in extensive operational activities to alleviate human suffering, dedicating substantial efforts to humanitarian advocacy and diplomacy initiatives, which shape future policies and approaches for developing strong civil societies and resilient communities in Ukraine. As the international armed conflict in Ukraine enters its third year, advocacy efforts of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, along with its development-principled approach to Recovery&Reconstruction of Ukraine, are meant to fill the perceived gap between humanitarian relief and the longer-term rehabilitation of crisis-prone communities. The Ukrainian Red Cross strives to foster conditions for positive peace development and to lay resilience-oriented foundations conducive to long term development.
In addition to managing an unprecedented humanitarian response in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society has also prioritized engaging with local humanitarian actors and systematically providing its expertise to support capacity building, organisational development, and the transition from emergency aid to the provision of sustainable, accountable, and quality services. As the country’s largest and oldest humanitarian actor, the URCS is developing strategic partnerships with local NGOs, INGOs and UN actors to improve locally-led humanitarian coordination. URCS, in collaboration with national and local NGOs, has officially launched the Alliance of Ukrainian Civil Society Organisations (AU CSOs) by endorsing the Manifesto in September 2023.
The URCS’ unique position amongst local humanitarian organisations, as an auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field, allows Ukrainian Red Cross to access affected populations while maintaining neutrality, impartiality, and independence. This role gradually becomes strengthened inside and outside of Ukraine, enabling the URCS and the Movement to play a vital role in Ukraine’s reconstruction, recovery and rehabilitation agenda. URCS advocacy efforts aim to guarantee a sustainable response, with a particular emphasis on aiding the most vulnerable populations and reaching remote areas in territories under Ukrainian government control. To achieve its humanitarian vision and ensure high-quality operations, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society is guided by its Humanitarian Advocacy and Diplomacy Strategy for 2023 – 2027, which outlines its advocacy and diplomacy objectives for local, national, and international engagement and includes capacity-building components.

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society cooperates with 35 national societies in foreign countries based on the cooperation agreements signed. Special attention is given to cooperation with international organizations and foundations such as UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, ECHO, WFP, GIZ, WHO, UNHCR, and others to support the URCS humanitarian actions.

Key advocacy activities of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society in the field of humanitarian operations and diplomacy are highlighted in the quarterly digest, which is designed to inform partners and stakeholders. The digests showcase examples of strong collaborations with Movement partners, operational and humanitarian diplomacy activities in Ukraine and globally, as well as URCS efforts to advocate on behalf of the vulnerable populations most affected by the escalation of the international armed conflict since February 24, 2022.
Ukrainian Red Cross directs its efforts towards raising awareness among stakeholders, civil society, and components of the International Movement in Ukraine through quarterly Educational Digests. These digests provide practical information on essential tools, processes, and mechanisms in the advocacy field, both within Ukraine and internationally.