Ukrainian Red Cross delegation holds a series of meetings in Norway

Ukrainian Red Cross delegation holds a series of meetings in Norway

Director General of the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society and his deputy Illya Kletskovskyy continue to discuss the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and the Ukrainian Red Cross response to the humanitarian crisis caused by the war. Today, together with the leadership of the Norwegian Red Cross, they met with the President of the Norwegian Parliament Masud Gharahkhani.

The meeting was followed by a roundtable discussion with the entire Ukrainian Red Cross delegation and the Norwegian Red Cross team. The Norwegian Red Cross team is working on the Ukrainian issue with members of the Norwegian Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, which is chaired by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and includes the former Prime Minister and former Minister of Development. The meetings focused on further cooperation, the strong partnership between the Ukrainian and Norwegian Red Crosses and Norway’s willingness to support Ukraine in the long term.

Today, the Ukrainian Red Cross delegation also had a number of meetings with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, as the Ukrainian Red Cross in cooperation with its Norwegian colleagues will be one of the key humanitarian organizations in the context of the Nansen Support Program for Ukraine.

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