Over 24,500 requests from relatives of missing persons have been processed by the Ukrainian Red Cross Tracing Service since the beginning of the year

Over 24,500 requests from relatives of missing persons have been processed by the Ukrainian Red Cross Tracing Service since the beginning of the year

Across Ukraine, volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Tracing Service are searching for individuals who have gone missing, particularly as a consequence of the war. They work closely with mothers, fathers, wives, sisters, and other family members who have requested assistance due to the lack of information about their missing loved ones. These families endure the pain and uncertainty of not knowing the fate of their relatives. 

The volunteers of the Tracing Service help families initiate a search case and monitor all available information about the missing person from public sources to launch search activities. At the same time, to ensure families do not face their pain and psychological challenges alone, the Tracing Service provides the following support: 

  • social events are held with families to provide information and advice on where to seek assistance for specific issues; 
  • meetings are arranged with representatives of the authorised authorities, including lawyers from the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War, the Commissioner for Missing Persons, and the National Police; 
  • the needs of vulnerable families are assessed to include them in the lists of regional branches for the distribution of humanitarian aid; 
  • recreational activities are conducted. 

At the same time, regional specialists of the Tracing Service conduct information sessions titled ‘How Not to Get Lost’ for children, particularly in areas near the front line. They collaborate with specialists and volunteers from the psychosocial support sector to organise activities with creative elements, such as drawing and modelling dishes from clay or plasticine. Additionally, workshops on self-help techniques and first aid are arranged for adults. 

Thanks to the Ukrainian Red Cross’ extensive network for restoring family links, we try to support every family throughout Ukraine, sharing their pain and helping them. This includes providing humanitarian aid, psychosocial support, and advocacy for their interests tailored to their individual needs. 

If you need support and assistance due to the loss of contact with your relatives, please reach out to the Ukrainian Red Cross Tracing Service through the following contact options: 

Hotline: 0 800 332 656 

Email: rfl@redcross.org.ua.

We stand by those in need! 

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