Professional training for Ukrainian Red Cross mobile rehabilitation units was held in Lutsk

Professional training for Ukrainian Red Cross mobile rehabilitation units was held in Lutsk

The training was attended by representatives from five regions where mobile rehabilitation units have been operational for more than three months, as well as teams undergoing training under the technical sector of the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross that will soon start their work.
The three-day training covered essential topics, including “Selection and provision of rehabilitation assistive devices,” “Patient care,” and “Patient transfers”. With the knowledge and skills acquired, participants can conduct similar training sessions at the request of related Ukrainian Red Cross departments and representatives of other organisations. Additionally, the units are prepared to provide physical rehabilitation services to residents of remote regions of Ukraine and vulnerable groups who do not have access to proper rehabilitation services.
The training was conducted with the support of the German Red Cross. Hisamoto Nakashima, a physical therapist from the Japanese Red Cross, also attended the training to provide supervision and technical support and share his practical skills and knowledge of physical therapy with the participants. It is worth noting that the Japanese Red Cross currently supports the work of mobile rehabilitation units in two regions and is ready to provide technical assistance to other regions in need.
The Ukrainian Red Cross plans to continue developing educational and practical activities to expand knowledge of physical therapy and raise awareness of evidence-based rehabilitation methods among the Ukrainian population.

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