Informing about Mine Risks in the Sumy Region

Informing about Mine Risks in the Sumy Region

We provide information about mine risks, including those in the Sumy region, as one of the main causes of accidents is the lack of clear procedures. 

The mine risk in Ukraine remains very high. It is important to inform people about safe actions in case of the detection of mines or other explosive devices. For example, in the Sumy region, volunteers of the local Ukrainian Red Cross organisation conducted mine risk awareness sessions for more than 200 people. 

During these sessions, volunteers explain what explosive objects look like, their size and colours, and most importantly, what steps to take if one is found. 

Remember the basic safety rules if you encounter a dangerous object: 

  • Stop. 
  • Do not panic. 
  • Do not touch. 
  • Call 101 or 102. 

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