In Pryluky, Chernihiv Region, the Ukrainian Red Cross Mobile Health Unit Provided 128 Medical Consultations in a Week

In Pryluky, Chernihiv Region, the Ukrainian Red Cross Mobile Health Unit Provided 128 Medical Consultations in a Week

Medical consultations were provided to people living in remote settlements of the community with limited access to medical services. 

During these visits, specialists of the mobile health unit: 

  • provide medical consultations and examine people’s health status; 
  • measure blood pressure, sugar, and blood oxygenation levels; 
  • prescribe a treatment regimen and dispense over-the-counter medicines with general therapeutic effect to alleviate health conditions; 
  • issue referrals for consultations with specialised medical specialists; 
  • facilitate transportation to medical facilities for individuals in critical condition. 

Our aim is to ensure that everyone receives timely medical care and necessary consultations. Health is our most valuable asset. 

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