In the Dnipro Region, Nearly 60 Social Assistants of the Ukrainian Red Cross Provide Care for Over 270 People Across 30 Settlements

In the Dnipro Region, Nearly 60 Social Assistants of the Ukrainian Red Cross Provide Care for Over 270 People Across 30 Settlements

The Ukrainian Red Cross’ Home-Based Care programme offers comprehensive humanitarian support and care for lonely elderly people and people with disabilities across the country. For example, in the Dnipro region, the beneficiaries are provided with food, bedding sets, and blood pressure monitors to facilitate regular health monitoring.  

Under the Home-Based Care programme, Ukrainian Red Cross social assistants: 

  • assist with household chores such as cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, taking out the garbage, and changing bed linen; 
  • provide hygiene services; 
  • purchase and deliver food, drinking water, medicines, and other essentials; 
  • address the social, medical, and domestic needs of their clients. 

In the Dnipro region, nearly 60 Ukrainian Red Cross social assistants provide care to over 270 beneficiaries across 30 settlements. The implementation of the Home-Based Care program in this region is made possible with the support of the Norwegian Red Cross. 

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