The Story of Yuta’s Family

The Story of Yuta’s Family

This is five-year-old Yuta. She is a kind and social dog. Liubov and Volodymyr, who take care of Yuta, now live in Uzhhorod. They fled the shelling from the town of Izium, losing all their belongings except for the most precious possessions – their pets, a dog named Yuta and a cat named Lucky. The latter was found by our servicemen near a burnt-out tank in Sviatohirsk and brought to the family. 

“In these difficult times, it’s hard to keep pets when you don’t have a home and a stable life. Food costs are very high. The aid from the Ukrainian Red Cross has become a real salvation for us. This support is incredibly necessary for us, as we spend a significant amount of money on feeding our pets. The Ukrainian Red Cross not only helps people, but also takes care of our four-legged friends, which is a huge support for our family,” said the family of Yuta and Lucky. 

The family receives support from the Zakarpattia regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross. For internally displaced persons with pets, food for cats and dogs of small and medium breeds is distributed through 11 city and district offices of the Zakarpattia regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross. 

The IDP animal support programme is implemented by the Ukrainian Red Cross in cooperation with Humane Society International-Europe. 

We stand by those in need. 

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