Nearly 20 Psychological First Aid Trainings Held Across 10 Ukrainian Regions Last Week

Nearly 20 Psychological First Aid Trainings Held Across 10 Ukrainian Regions Last Week

The training was conducted for the team of the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support department, volunteers and staff of other departments of the Ukrainian Red Cross, as well as for nurses and representatives from the education sector. The skills acquired may prove useful for participants involved in disaster response, assisting with meeting evacuation trains, conducting group events, or engaging in other activities. This knowledge will also be valuable in everyday life.

“Nowadays, each of us may encounter someone experiencing severe stress and struggling to cope with its consequences. It is crucial to offer support in the right manner, guide them to seek professional help if needed, and remember to prioritise our own well-being,” stated Olha, a participant in one of the trainings held in Vinnytsia.

Other participants also mentioned that the acquired knowledge would boost their confidence in handling stressful situations. This will enable them to understand better how to support their family and colleagues with the right words and manage their fear during emergencies. Moreover, it gives an opportunity to provide effective assistance without causing further harm to the individual.

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