The National Volunteer Assembly – 2023 was held, bringing together more than 70 volunteers from all over Ukraine

The National Volunteer Assembly – 2023 was held, bringing together more than 70 volunteers from all over Ukraine

For 13 years in a row, the Assembly has been a place for participants to share best practices, learn new skills and share ideas for developing the volunteer movement in Ukraine.

During the Assembly, the new composition of the Volunteer Commission, whose role is to represent and protect the interests of volunteers throughout Ukraine, was re-elected. Members of the commission, a leader and a chairman, are elected every two years. Daria Kostyuchenko became the new chairman. Volunteers also elected a new ordinary member, Roman Yezhgurov, by voting.

We sincerely thank the volunteers, regional and local organizations for their participation in the assembly and desire to do good!

You are the best!

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