Three years of fear and uncertainty in Ukraine

Three years of fear and uncertainty in Ukraine

This month marks three years of living through a nightmare for people in Ukraine.

The conflict, which escalated in February 2022, has affected millions of people over the last three years, claiming lives and homes.

Supporting separated families in Ukraine: Anastasia’s StoryConflict tears families apart.

Anastasia’s husband is missing in the conflict in Ukraine. She says, “Over a year has passed, and there’s still no specific information about him.”

The pain of not knowing what has happened to him has been difficult to endure. Anastasia contacted the Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) who’ve been supporting her and many families in similar situations.

“When I contacted the Ukrainian Red Cross, they guided me where else I could turn, (they) provided contacts, phone numbers and we received humanitarian aid.”

Ukraine crisis: what you need to know

  • 10 million people have been displaced and many are without access to food, water and electricity
  • More than six million have also fled the country, leaving behind everything they’ve ever known – often including their loved ones
  • Homes, hospitals and schools continue to be damaged, forcing further evacuations

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URSC) has been working around the clock to bring hope and support to all those in need, from distributing food parcels to treating people at Red Cross mobile health units across the country.

Here in the UK, British Red Cross teams have been on hand to provide support, financial assistance and a friendly, safe place for people to turn to while they rebuild their lives.

To date, Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers have been able to support more than 22 million people impacted by the crisis.

But the acute needs remain vast, and the longer-term impact is also immense. From the emotional trauma of families being divided or the devastating loss of a loved one, to the destruction of vital infrastructure like education and healthcare – these are things that will affect people for many years to come.

As the conflict continues, we need your help to support people in Ukraine, as well as those who have been forced to flee to other countries, including the UK.

Why donate to the Red Cross?

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) is the lead humanitarian organisation in Ukraine and – since the onset of this conflict – has been supported by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement with its response.

Three years on, the situation in Ukraine remains incredibly volatile. We can’t be sure what will happen next or where the need will be greatest. But with your help we can be ready to help anyone who is suffering. Most recently, we’ve been able to provide:

  • healthcare and psychosocial support. Mobile health units are getting vital care to hard-to-reach areas while psychosocial teams are responding to rising mental health emergencies in the wake of new shelling.
  • door-to-door welfare checks. Supporting the most vulnerable and distributing blankets, sleeping bags, hygiene kits and food parcels in hard-hit communities.
  • safe and dignified accommodation. With funding support from the British and Austrian Red Cross, the Ukrainian Red Cross has constructed more than 100 new apartments for people who’ve lost their homes in the conflict.
  • power for vital services. Over 872 new generators have been transferred to power the needs of 35 railway stations, 20 hospitals, two water utilities and numerous community centres.

Here in the UK our Red Cross teams have:

  • helped 68,000 people arriving from Ukraine, offering support and key information.
  • answered 83,000 calls to our support line.
  • given £3.1 million in emergency financial assistance, helping people to start rebuilding their lives.
  • distributed more than 23,000 SIM cards so people can stay in touch with their loved ones.
  • advocated for improvements to government schemes, calling for improved access to long-term accommodation solutions and family reunification policies.

Your Ukraine donations have achieved so much already. But people are still in need of urgent assistance. We’re also deeply concerned for the thousands of Ukrainian families across the UK who are now facing homelessness.

If you can help us today, please do.

Please donate to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal today.

How can I help people in Ukraine?

The best way to help people in Ukraine is to donate to our crisis appeal. Already, donations given in the last three years have helped to transform lives of those affected by the conflict.

Donate to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal and help us save lives.

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