Awareness raising among the staff and volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross on mine risk

Awareness raising among the staff and volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross on mine risk

Representatives of local organizations of the Ukrainian Red Cross took part in the information session “Safer Behavior and Raising Awareness of the Risks of Mines and Explosive Remnants of War”.

Since the main task of the Mine Danger Department is to raise awareness of the risks of armed danger, the staff and volunteers of local organizations of the Ukrainian Red Cross are informed about the risks of armed danger.

At one of the meetings, the basic rules of behavior and actions in case of detection of mines and other explosive devices were discussed, as the issue of mine danger for citizens in war is one of the most pressing today.

We remind you that proper behavior can save the lives of both adults and children. Especially in the de-occupied territories and where active hostilities were conducted, as a result of which there are many mined objects, unexploded ordnance and other explosive devices.

The main rules: 

Stay away! Don’t touch! Call 101!

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