The Ukrainian Red Cross provides 3D information and visual displays on “Mines and Explosive Ordnance” to educational institutions to raise awareness among young people about the threat of mines and the safe behaviour to follow when encountering explosive ordnance
This time, with the support of the Italian Red Cross, the 3D displays were delivered to educational institutions in Zviahel — Lyceum No. 11 and Gymnasium No. 6.
The displays visually complement the information provided by mine risk specialists, making it easier for young people to learn vital information about how to recognise dangerous objects, such as mines, grenades, shells, etc. The main goal is to help children understand what to do if they find such objects and how to avoid the threat.
Explosive remnants pose a risk in every region of the country. That’s why the Ukrainian Red Cross is working to raise awareness and help schoolchildren learn the basic safety rules. If you see a dangerous object:
- stop
- do not touch
- call 101 or 102