Coordinated work of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response teams: a man was evacuated from Myrnohrad to the Poltava region

Coordinated work of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response teams: a man was evacuated from Myrnohrad to the Poltava region

The Krasnohrad unit of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team, in collaboration with the emergency response team from the Myrnohrad city branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross, successfully evacuated an elderly man from Myrnohrad to the village of Bilukhivka in the Poltava region. The man was taken to a safe temporary residence. 

“It is important for us that each trip is as comfortable and safe as possible for people,” noted the volunteers from the Krasnohrad district branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross. 

This is just one of hundreds of evacuation stories carried out by the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response teams almost daily. It is crucial for us that everyone can reach safety, especially those who are unable to do so due to health reasons.

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