The Ukrainian Red Cross (officially, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society) is a Ukrainian organisation that operates exclusively in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government

The Ukrainian Red Cross (officially, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society) is a Ukrainian organisation that operates exclusively in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government

The Ukrainian Red Cross (officially, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society) is a Ukrainian organisation that operates exclusively in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government, in compliance with Ukrainian legislation and coordinates its activities with state and local authorities. 

In accordance with its mandate, the Ukrainian Red Cross does not visit prisoners of war. According to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) conducts such visits, provided that its staff is granted the necessary access. 

As a member of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the Ukrainian Red Cross is part of the largest humanitarian organisation in the world, which consists of three components: 

  • The International Committee of the Red Cross is a neutral, impartial, and independent organisation with a sole humanitarian mission: to ensure that parties to a conflict respect and protect the life and dignity of individuals and provide them with assistance. In international armed conflicts, it can act as a neutral mediator between parties, provided they consent. Additionally, parties to a conflict are obliged to grant the ICRC access to all prisoners of war they detain. 
  • The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) supports the development of all national societies and promotes their activities. It carries out humanitarian missions in response to natural and man-made disasters, epidemics, and other emergencies and also works to combat discrimination and violence. 
  • National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, including the Ukrainian Red Cross, operate in 191 countries. National Societies operate within their respective countries and provide a wide range of services, from emergency response to assistance for war victims. 

The Ukrainian Red Cross operates independently and is not subordinated to other organisations, including the ICRC, IFRC, or national societies from other countries. 

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