Training sessions on the ‘Fundamentals of Home-Based Care’ were conducted for the public in Ivano-Frankivsk and Kalush

Training sessions on the ‘Fundamentals of Home-Based Care’ were conducted for the public in Ivano-Frankivsk and Kalush

The training was attended by individuals who care for people with limited mobility and who expressed a desire to acquire new knowledge and practical skills in caring for people with impaired motor functions or who use wheelchairs.

The programme covered relevant topics, including Ukraine’s legislative framework on social services, palliative care, and aspects of communication and social services, among others. During the training, participants actively practised techniques for caring for those in need of assistance. As a result, they received valuable and practical information that can be applied in their future work.

The training was conducted as part of the Home-Based Care project, implemented by the Ivano-Frankivsk regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross with the support of the Swiss Red Cross.

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