During the week, 767 people received medical consultations in the Sumy region

During the week, 767 people received medical consultations in the Sumy region

During the week, specialists from the mobile health units of the Sumy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross visited 44 towns and villages and provided medical consultations to 767 people.

The units’ specialists examine patients’ conditions, measure blood pressure, determine blood glucose and oxygenation levels, and, if necessary, provide on-site primary medical care. They also distribute free over-the-counter medicines for general therapeutic purposes to help stabilise health. In life-threatening situations, the specialists transport patients to the nearest medical facility.

The work of the Ukrainian Red Cross mobile health units is crucial as they provide timely medical consultations and health checks to people in remote areas with limited access to medical care.

In the Sumy region, these mobile health units operate in the Krolevets, Trostianets, Hlukhiv, Nedryhailiv, Putyvl, and Krasnopillia communities.

In July alone, six mobile health units from the Sumy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross visited 158 towns and villages in the region and provided medical consultations to nearly 3,000 people.

The Mobile Health Units programme in the Sumy region is being implemented with the support of the Swedish Red Cross.

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