To date, nine mobile rehabilitation units of the Ukrainian Red Cross have been operating across five regions of Ukraine, providing rehabilitation services to nearly 200 beneficiaries

To date, nine mobile rehabilitation units of the Ukrainian Red Cross have been operating across five regions of Ukraine, providing rehabilitation services to nearly 200 beneficiaries

Providing support to people who need additional services after treatment and the acute phase of rehabilitation is one of the main areas of work of the Ukrainian Red Cross. The services are available to various groups, including war veterans, older adults, people with disabilities, and vulnerable populations living in remote areas with limited access to rehabilitation services. The number of visits and the routes taken by the rehabilitation units are typically adjusted based on the needs of the local population.

The Ukrainian Red Cross continues to provide rehabilitation services to residents of remote communities. Recently, the mobile rehabilitation unit from the Ivano-Frankivsk regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross visited several beneficiaries recovering from serious illnesses.

The project is being implemented with the support and supervision of partners within the Movement and in cooperation with regional health departments.


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