Mobile health unit specialists provide support to a family from the Zaporizhzhia region

Mobile health unit specialists provide support to a family from the Zaporizhzhia region

Vira, Mariia, and Volodymyr are a family of three who were forced to leave their native Zaporizhzhia region at the beginning of the full-scale invasion and found refuge in Zakarpattia. At first, they stayed in a school, but later, they were taken in by Yelyzaveta from the village of Bilky. Two of the family members have disabilities and require ongoing medical care.

To support the family, the Ukrainian Red Cross mobile health unit makes monthly visits to Bilky village. The unit’s specialists conduct necessary medical examinations, including measuring blood glucose and haemoglobin levels, performing electrocardiograms, providing medical consultations, and dispensing required medications.

Vira is grateful for the help provided by the Ukrainian Red Cross: “In this difficult time, the support we receive is invaluable. We wish everyone peace and harmony!”

The Ukrainian Red Cross mobile health unit operates in the Irshava region with the support of the Austrian Red Cross. This year, the unit’s specialists have visited over 100 villages and provided medical care to over 3,000 people. Mobile health units operate across six districts of the Zakarpattia region.

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