In the Sumy region, volunteers will regularly provide psychosocial support to residents of the Sumy Geriatric Nursing Home

In the Sumy region, volunteers will regularly provide psychosocial support to residents of the Sumy Geriatric Nursing Home

Volunteers from the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support unit of the Sumy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross will provide ongoing assistance to the Sumy Geriatric Nursing Home residents. This cooperation will involve psychosocial support activities focusing on stress reduction techniques, discovering personal resources and joy, and implementing self-care strategies.

Loneliness and lack of communication are significant challenges most older people face. They often have fewer friends and more health issues, and family and friends are not always available to offer support. High levels of anxiety, fear, and worry are also prevalent. Coping with these issues alone can be difficult. To address this, volunteers organise numerous meetings to offer essential support and psychological self-help tools, encourage active communication among residents, and promote a culture of asking for help without hesitation.

The volunteers use various methods to enhance stress resilience, from engaging in interactive games to applying art therapy techniques. They find great satisfaction in their work, especially when they succeed in creating a warm and friendly atmosphere in the group, even to the extent of “singing together”.

Providing assistance and psychosocial support for the elderly is a key focus of the Ukrainian Red Cross’s work.

We stand by those in need!

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