Recently, 19 trainers from the Ukrainian Red Cross Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Unit have successfully completed the Sport Coach+ programme

Recently, 19 trainers from the Ukrainian Red Cross Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Unit have successfully completed the Sport Coach+ programme

The training aims to acquire essential knowledge and skills for understanding how stressful situations can affect the behaviour and development of young athletes and create a safe and supportive sports environment. The trained coaches will subsequently provide training for sports coaches across Ukraine.

The project will be implemented in several stages:

  • training Ukrainian Red Cross coaches and volunteers on supportive communication and methods to reduce stress in the sports environment;
  • training and supporting coaches who work with young people in various sports institutions;
  • creating a safe and supportive environment for young athletes in specialised educational institutions where they can acquire knowledge and skills, develop emotional resilience, and enhance performance and self-confidence.

The Sport Coach+ project is developed in collaboration with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support (IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support) and the Olympic Refuge Foundation. It is implemented by the Ukrainian Red Cross Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Unit team.

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