Peculiarities of teaching first aid to people with physical disabilities, training through online platforms: the sixth summer school for first aid instructors and trainers ends in Kyiv

Peculiarities of teaching first aid to people with physical disabilities, training through online platforms: the sixth summer school for first aid instructors and trainers ends in Kyiv

For the sixth consecutive year, the Ukrainian Red Cross has organised its largest event for first aid instructors and trainers nationwide: the First Aid School. This event includes training sessions, seminars, and discussions on current issues related to teaching first aid in various regions of Ukraine. Experienced instructors and trainers plan their activities for the coming year to extend their reach and impact through the training programmes. In these times of war, acquiring first aid skills is essential for everyone.

This school addressed the issue of training people with physical disabilities, including adapting the training programme so everyone can acquire essential skills. They also discussed expanding training programmes through online platforms, allowing people to study at their convenience and in locations where conducting physical training may be unsafe.

The Ukrainian Red Cross is a leading first aid training provider, and we are committed to ensuring that our training programmes are accessible to everyone!

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