Informing people about taking care of their health: the training for health consultants of the Ukrainian Red Cross in Ternopil has been completed

Informing people about taking care of their health: the training for health consultants of the Ukrainian Red Cross in Ternopil has been completed

Today, many people neglect their health, often postponing screening examinations, vaccinations, or necessary laboratory tests. However, health requires daily attention and cannot be put off until ‘later’ or ‘tomorrow’. Most prevalent diseases can be prevented through timely referral and treatment. Ukrainian Red Cross consultants play a crucial role in informing the public about disease prevention, stressing the importance of regular screenings, and promoting mental and physical well-being. 

For instance, a recent training session for health consultants was conducted in Ternopil. The primary objective was to enhance the information skills of Ukrainian Red Cross consultants and improve community engagement strategies. These efforts aim to disseminate knowledge effectively, contributing to better public health outcomes. 

During the two-day training session, participants: 

  • analysed potential mechanisms for engaging with communities and local authorities; 
  • enhanced their communication skills and abilities to disseminate health-promotion knowledge; 
  • improved protocols for gathering feedback from community residents; 
  • reviewed specific reporting requirements for interacting with communities effectively. 

The Strengthening Community Health programme is currently being implemented in 10 communities across the Vinnytsia and Kirovohrad regions. Ukrainian Red Cross health consultants inform the public about the most common diseases and methods of their prevention, teach health care skills, and help community members develop new healthy habits. 


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