A psychologist’s counselling room and a play space for children are operating in Volyn as part of a programme to support people undergoing tuberculosis treatment

A psychologist’s counselling room and a play space for children are operating in Volyn as part of a programme to support people undergoing tuberculosis treatment

As part of the “Increasing the Adherence of Patients with Drug-Susceptible and Resistant Tuberculosis to Treatment Through Medical and Psychosocial Support” activity within the “Sustainable Response to HIV and TB Epidemics in the Context of War and Recovery of Ukraine” project, funded by the Global Fund, a psychologist’s counselling room and a play space for children have been established.  

The new room is large, divided into zones for different activities, and has special furniture in cosy relaxation corners. In addition to games and toys, there are materials for children’s creativity. 

The psychologist’s services are offered to the project’s clients to solve psychological problems, preserve or restore patients’ physical and mental health, and address concerns such as depression, motivation, and social and psychological relationships with loved ones. 

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