Already, 150 households have received financial assistance as part of the livelihood support for rural households in the Sumy region

Already, 150 households have received financial assistance as part of the livelihood support for rural households in the Sumy region

“I can’t even tell you how much work it is with nine cows. What are the earnings? They would be higher if milk were accepted at a higher price,” says Tetiana Turchyn, a resident of Klyshky village in the Shostka district of the Sumy region. 

Tetiana’s family is participating in the Household Support Programme, which provides substantial financial assistance to help develop their business, as they currently rely on old equipment that often breaks down. 

The family needs a tractor to prepare feed for the large number of animals they keep. Therefore, they have already spent a significant amount of money on purchasing spare parts for their equipment.

It should be noted that 150 households have already received financial assistance to support the livelihoods of rural households affected by the war in Ukraine. This programme is being implemented in the Sumy region with the support of the Swedish Red Cross. Residents of the Klyshky, Chapliyivka, Voronizh districts, and Shostka are eligible to participate.

Partners from the Swedish Red Cross, which funds the Programme, came to see the results. They met the participants and learned about their projects. The Programme participants were eager to showcase their achievements in their homes and share their impressions at a joint meeting organised by the team of the Sumy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross.

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