In the Kharkiv region, the emergency response team from the Krasnohrad district branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross was on duty and provided essential assistance during the response to an emergency incident that occurred in the district on July 12, 2024

In the Kharkiv region, the emergency response team from the Krasnohrad district branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross was on duty and provided essential assistance during the response to an emergency incident that occurred in the district on July 12, 2024

A large-scale reed fire broke out in the district. Volunteers quickly arrived at the scene to supply drinking water to the staff of the Krasnohrad district department of the State Emergency Service. Together with emergency workers, they monitored the fire and helped to stretch fire hoses. 

While they were on duty at the fire scene, a road accident involving two trucks and two cars occurred nearby. Before the ambulance crews arrived, the volunteers examined the victims and provided them with first aid and psychological first aid. 


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