An online meeting with heads of territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region discussing the implementation of social adaptation services for veterans and their families, with participation from the Ukrainian Red Cross

An online meeting with heads of territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region discussing the implementation of social adaptation services for veterans and their families, with participation from the Ukrainian Red Cross

“How quickly our Defenders adjust to civilian life depends on their families, the community, and society. This requires sustained and substantive efforts with each veteran and their family, aimed at addressing their individual needs,” emphasised Natalia Zabolotna, First Deputy Head of the Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration.

It is important to note that the social adaptation of war veterans and their families involves two stages. The first stage focuses on social recovery at a recreational facility, while the second stage provides community support to assist veterans in reintegrating into civilian life.

During the initial three rounds of visits, a team of psychologists and social work specialists implemented a social recovery programme. Based on the feedback received, it became evident that this form of recovery was not only necessary but also beneficial for the participants. The stay of 24 veterans’ families from 13 territorial communities at the sanatorium was facilitated by the Ukrainian Red Cross. It is planned that visits will occur approximately once a month. Currently, efforts are underway to organise the fourth visit scheduled from August 12 to 18, 2024.

Individuals with combat experience, loss of comrades-in-arms, injuries, and psychological wounds require support. This support includes specific case management, acceptance, communication, consolation, assistance in navigating new circumstances, accessing support networks, and moving forward. Together, we must make everything possible to rehabilitate all who have defended our country and support families in aiding veterans as they transition back to civilian life.

Source: Vinnytsia District State Administration


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