Fourteen shelters have already been repaired and equipped in Zakarpattia

Fourteen shelters have already been repaired and equipped in Zakarpattia

“We arrived in Zakarpattia, having nothing with us. The shelter became our salvation. It has everything we need for a comfortable life. Thank you for everything you have done. This is a very important support during this difficult time,” shared residents of a shelter renovated by the Zakarpattia regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross. 

Currently, the Zakarpattia regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross has repaired and equipped 14 facilities for internally displaced persons across five districts in the Zakarpattia region with the necessary appliances and furniture. These shelters are located in Stanovo, Kolchyno, Velyki Luchky, Svaliava, Teresva, Tiachiv, Serednie, Chop, Stroine, Velykyi Bereznyi, Kushnytsia, Vynohradiv, and Turi Remety. Each shelter can accommodate from a dozen people to about a hundred. This initiative was supported by the Austrian Red Cross and funded by the Nachbar in Not Foundation and Austrian Development Cooperation. 

Some shelters still have vacancies. Therefore, internally displaced persons who have relocated to the Zakarpattia region from the combat zone and are seeking shelter can contact the local authorities of the above-mentioned towns and villages to inquire about availability. 

It is crucial to us that people who are forced to leave their homes to preserve their most precious asset – their lives – can live in comfortable conditions in shelters. That is why we are committed to renovating old premises and providing them with the necessary equipment to make people’s lives easier and more comfortable.  

We stand by those in need! 

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