Training of Emergency Response Teams Completed

Training of Emergency Response Teams Completed

The “Ten Years Together” Training, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of establishing the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response teams, has recently concluded in the Kyiv region. 

This year, members of 21 regional emergency response teams from across the country and teams from the Spanish Red Cross (Cruz Roja Española) and the Italian Red Cross (Croce Rossa Italiana) participated in the training. During four days, more than 150 participants attended theoretical lectures on triage algorithms for mass casualty incidents, search and rescue operations, terrain orientation, and basic rope techniques, which they later practised during a night simulation.  

Volunteers also attended lectures to systematise the knowledge they regularly apply in their daily activities, including external communication, command and control exercises, and the setup of mobile heating stations. 

Throughout the training, the teams exchanged experiences, adopting new knowledge and practical advice from their colleagues. This will help the volunteers provide even more effective assistance to those in need. 

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