The Ukrainian Red Cross is exchanging experiences with the Swedish Red Cross in the field of rehabilitation to provide more effective assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war

The Ukrainian Red Cross is exchanging experiences with the Swedish Red Cross in the field of rehabilitation to provide more effective assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war

Recently, representatives of the Ukrainian Red Cross Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Unit, led by Anna Didenko, Head of the Department, visited Sweden. 

The purpose of the visit was to share experiences and gain a better understanding of the rehabilitation model used by the Swedish Red Cross in its treatment centres. The delegation visited a rehabilitation centre in Malmö to gain practical experience of the rehabilitation model for treating people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  

The PTSD treatment provided by the Swedish Red Cross in its centres has proven highly effective for 35 years and is actively supported by local authorities. 

“This visit, the knowledge and experience gained from our Swedish colleagues will allow us to adapt the model that works and is used in Sweden to the needs of Ukrainians,” stated Anna Didenko.   

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, the number of people in need of physical and mental rehabilitation has increased. Currently, there is a need not only to continue rehabilitation in the community after patients are discharged from rehabilitation centres but also to restore mental health following traumatic experiences. The experience of the Swedish Red Cross can be applied in Ukraine to address trauma and further support individuals and their families throughout this process.  

The visit was part of planning the Ukrainian Red Cross’s physical and mental rehabilitation activities, with representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross participating. 

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