Information session on mine risk organised by the Ukrainian Red Cross for activists in the Donetsk region

Information session on mine risk organised by the Ukrainian Red Cross for activists in the Donetsk region

Recently, a strategic session of the Youth Council at the Donetsk regional state administration, dedicated to the Day of Youth and Children’s NGOs of Ukraine, was held in Kyiv. During the session, participants could learn more about mine risks. The lecture covered hazardous areas, methods to avoid them, and mine warning signs. The mine risk instructor emphasised the protocol for actions to take in case of accidentally encountering an explosive device.  

Participants of the strategic session, including speakers, representatives of central and local authorities, NGOs, international partners, well-known Donetsk residents and youth, have come together for the post-war reconstruction of the Donetsk region. It should be stated that information about the dangers and threats posed by explosive devices is essential. 

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