Participation in the Sportfest International Nordic Walking Festival

Participation in the Sportfest International Nordic Walking Festival

The team of the Cherkasy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross, along with Igor Efimenko, President of the Ukrainian Nordic Walking Federation, Yuriy Romancha, Head of the “Patriots of the Native Land-Ukraine” NGO, and Oleksandr Voskoboynik, CEO of the Research and Production Firm “Urozhay” LLC (part of the MHP group), participated in the “Sportfest” International Nordic Walking Festival. 

More than 500 visitors and nearly 400 participants spent the entire day exploring the various festival locations dedicated to the following areas of activity:  

  • psychosocial support,  
  • mine risk awareness,  
  • emergency response teams,  
  • branch, youth movement, and volunteer development (BraVo),  
  • first aid training. 

Participants had their blood pressure measured and received necessary health consultations. They also joined information sessions and classes involving creativity and active games and practised first aid skills on training manikins. 

Additionally, they collaborated with partners to discuss ideas for future cooperation and expansion of Nordic walking development and training across the districts of the Cherkasy region, including joint training and development of instructors who will conduct activities within district branches of the Ukrainian Red Cross. 

Nordic walking is a sport suitable for all ages, states of health, and conditions. It promotes physical and social activity, making it an excellent choice for maintaining the health and emotional well-being of elderly people. 

We stand by those in need!  

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