In Kyiv, children are educated about safe behaviour

In Kyiv, children are educated about safe behaviour

Recently, a volunteer mine risk instructor from the Ukrainian Red Cross, along with specialists from the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kyiv and the National Police of Ukraine, conducted information sessions for students, primary school children, and visitors at a Public Safety event. 

The instructor explained what mines are, the different types that exist, and how to recognise other explosive devices. Participants learned about the most common types of explosive devices and where they are typically found. The lecture also covered examples of risky behaviour and emphasised the correct protocol for detecting explosive remnants of war and mines. 

  • Stop 
  • Do not panic 
  • Do not touch 
  • Call 101,102 or 112 

We want to remind everyone of the importance of following basic safety rules when detecting mines and other explosive devices to help save lives and health! 

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