Social Assistants of the Ukrainian Red Cross Provide Care for Lonely People in the Verenchanka Rural Territorial Community

Social Assistants of the Ukrainian Red Cross Provide Care for Lonely People in the Verenchanka Rural Territorial Community

Home-Based Care is a crucial form of support for lonely people who, due to their health conditions, require external assistance with daily activities, personal care, and meeting basic needs. Some are confined to their homes, others are bedridden, and some cannot eat on their own. That is why the Ukrainian Red Cross social assistants provide invaluable support to these individuals. 

They help with household chores and personal care, including cleaning, cooking meals, changing bed linens, and assisting with personal hygiene. They also address social needs by accompanying clients to medical appointments, purchasing and delivering groceries and water, and more. However, the most significant aspects of their support are communication, shared walks, and leisure activities. 

A smile on the face of those they help is the most rewarding gratitude for these social assistants. 

We stand by those in need. 

In the Chernivtsi region, the Home-Based Care project receives funding from the Danish Red Cross in Ukraine. 

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