Mine Risk Education Instructors-Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Continue to Inform the Population of Kramatorsk

Mine Risk Education Instructors-Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Continue to Inform the Population of Kramatorsk

As part of the Explosive Ordnance Risk Awareness and Safer Behaviour programme, volunteers conduct information sessions to educate the population on the following: 

  • the risks of unexploded ordnance, which may be invisible in the environment; 
  • how to identify and mark mined areas (through informational presentations demonstrating warning signs); 
  • the action protocols to follow during shelling, including the crucial rule of responding promptly to air raid sirens. If you hear a siren, you should immediately find shelter. If this is impossible, you should use the “rule of two walls”. 

This knowledge is particularly vital in areas experiencing frequent shelling, ensuring the safety of the population. 

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