Modern Rehabilitation Equipment Handed Over to the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Multidisciplinary Hospital by the Cherkasy Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross

Modern Rehabilitation Equipment Handed Over to the Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi Multidisciplinary Hospital by the Cherkasy Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross

In response to the hospital’s request, the Cherkasy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross purchased and delivered robotic rehabilitation gloves – the Olvi hand and finger simulator. These gloves detect attempts to perform an active movement and assist in carrying it out. The robotic trainer consists of one glove with a sensor and another that is pneumatic, enabling stimulation and movement of the fingers on affected limbs. 

These rehabilitation gloves will aid patients in restoring active movements in their fingers after a stroke, various types of brain surgeries, and other conditions affecting hand function and muscle tension. 

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