In the Sumy Region, Ukrainian Red Cross Teams of the Home-Based Care and Mobile Health Units Cooperate to Assist Those in Need

In the Sumy Region, Ukrainian Red Cross Teams of the Home-Based Care and Mobile Health Units Cooperate to Assist Those in Need

Under the Home-Based Care programme, lonely elderly people and people with disabilities are provided with household assistance, care, psychosocial support, etc. These services are provided by social assistants of the Ukrainian Red Cross. Their clients are people who, due to their health conditions, mostly do not leave their homes. Consequently, doctors must conduct home visits to examine them and provide treatment recommendations.  

The Ukrainian Red Cross mobile health units play a crucial role in this regard. During their regular visits to the most remote communities, these units ensure that beneficiaries of social assistants are examined, their health is monitored, and necessary medical care is provided. This approach ensures timely medical services and adjustments to treatment plans as needed. 

Currently, six mobile health units of the Ukrainian Red Cross operate in the region, serving communities in Krolevets, Trostianets, Hlukhiv, Nedryhailiv, and Putyvl. 

The Home-Based Care programme involves 60 social assistants who provide services to 334 clients across 40 settlements in the region. 


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