“I Don’t Feel Lonely. My Life Has Changed for the Better,” Home-Based Care in Bukovyna

“I Don’t Feel Lonely. My Life Has Changed for the Better,” Home-Based Care in Bukovyna

“My social assistant, Iryna, gives me the opportunity not to feel lonely and abandoned. She is always attentive and friendly, listens to me and supports me. It is very difficult for me to go to the shop or pharmacy, so Iryna buys and delivers food, water, and necessary medicines. She also helps a lot around the house: she cleans, cooks and washes dishes, changes the laundry, and takes out the garbage. Thanks to Iryna, my life has changed for the better,” says Natalia, a beneficiary of the Home-Based Care programme of the Ukrainian Red Cross in the Chernivtsi region.

In Bukovyna, nearly 40 social assistants of the Ukrainian Red Cross provide care for more than 200 clients in 32 settlements of the region. The activities of this project in the Chernivtsi region are supported by the Danish Red Cross. 

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