“I Feel My Life Has Become Easier,” says Ninel About Her Social Assistant at the Ukrainian Red Cross

“I Feel My Life Has Become Easier,” says Ninel About Her Social Assistant at the Ukrainian Red Cross

I feel that my life has become easier. Thanks to Natalia, I have been able to overcome many challenges and received the help I needed during this challenging time,” says Ninel, a beneficiary of the Ukrainian Red Cross Home-Based Care programme.

Natalia helps the woman with various chores such as cleaning, cooking, taking out the garbage, and solving other household needs. She also provides hygiene care, which is very important for a lonely elderly woman. Additionally, Natalia buys and delivers food, drinking water, and other essentials. 

“To maintain my health, Natalia ensures I receive the necessary medicines and helps me adhere to the prescribed schedule. If I feel unwell, she promptly assists me in contacting a doctor for medical help. However, perhaps the most valuable support for me is her emotional support. Whether I’m happy or sad, whether I want to cry or laugh, Natalia is always there to listen and offer her support.”

Nearly 1,200 social assistants of the Ukrainian Red Cross provide regular care to more than 6,700 lonely elderly people and people with disabilities across the country.

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