The Ukrainian Red Cross Conducted the “Safe Holidays” Summer Course in the Sumy Region

The Ukrainian Red Cross Conducted the “Safe Holidays” Summer Course in the Sumy Region

“Safe Holidays” is an ongoing project by the Sumy local branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross that supports and teaches schoolchildren safe behaviour and vital skills during their holidays. 

This time, children aged 11-14 participated in the summer session of the project. Over the course of a few days, the students mastered first aid skills, learned about mine risk and the action protocol in case of detecting dangerous objects, and gained basic navigation and tourism skills. Approximately fifty children attended the course. Our partners, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, also attended the event, sharing information that can save lives and prevent accidents today. 

Upon completion of the course, all participants received certificates and items to aid in information storage during power outages. 

We stand by those in need! 

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