The Ukrainian Red Cross Participates in the Ukraine Recovery Conference

The Ukrainian Red Cross Participates in the Ukraine Recovery Conference

The Ukrainian Red Cross is participating in the Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024), currently taking place in Berlin. The conference aims to bring together leaders of many governments, representatives of international organisations, businesses, and civil society. 

The Ukrainian Red Cross is represented at the conference by Director General Maksym Dotsenko, Deputy Director General Illya Kletskovskyy, and Head of Strategic Partnership and International Relations Irina Boicheva. 

URC2024 aims to consolidate sustained international support for the recovery, reconstruction, reform, and modernisation of Ukraine. Overall, the goal is to create sustainable social systems and needs-based assistance for the population and to raise awareness for the corresponding requirements. The focus here is on a local approach.  At the same time, the long-term strengthening and engagement of organisations in the recovery process is vital in achieving this objective. 

The key focus will be on the following four aspects: 

  • business engagement for sustainability and economic growth;
  • social recovery and human capital for the present and future;
  • recovery of communities and regions, emphasizing the role of local communities, allocation of financial resources, and building further state capacity;
  • European integration, fostering economic growth, investment security, and sustainable recovery of a competitive economy. 

This year’s event brought together government leaders, representatives of Ukrainian and international organisations, businesses, and civil society to discuss approaches and opportunities for further recovery and reconstruction support. 

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