Training for Mine Risk Instructors Held in Zaporizhzhia

Training for Mine Risk Instructors Held in Zaporizhzhia

As the war continues, the mine risk in Ukraine is increasing with every passing day. To expand awareness efforts, new mine risk educators underwent training in Zaporizhzhia. 

Fourteen volunteers of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regional branches of the Ukrainian Red Cross completed an intensive 4-day mine risk education course in Zaporizhzhia. During the training, the participants learned not only about explosive devices, different types of mines and explosive ordnance, their impact, dangerous places, signs and features of dangerous places, and action protocols for safer behaviour but also gained skills in effective communication with the population. The ability to communicate information to others that can help preserve health or even save lives is extremely important for every instructor. 

After certification, the instructors will inform people in those regions of Ukraine where the threat is the highest. 


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