Meeting of the Internal Working Group on “Information as Assistance at the Ukrainian Red Cross”

Meeting of the Internal Working Group on “Information as Assistance at the Ukrainian Red Cross”

Information is a vital form of assistance, as essential to the population as water, food, medicine, or shelter. This was the focal point of the Internal Working Group meeting on “Information as Assistance at the Ukrainian Red Cross”.  

During the event, facilitators from the Communications and Marketing Department and the Community Engagement and Transparency Department, along with experts from various areas of the Ukrainian Red Cross, discussed the importance of information as a form of assistance in the context of the work of the Ukrainian Red Cross. During the practical group session, the participants reviewed and tested strategies, tools, and best practices for effective information provision to the affected communities during emergencies. Additionally, they discussed the use of efficient channels for two-way communication with the population, which enables a deeper comprehension of community needs and facilitates more prompt responses to them.  

The results of this workshop will form the basis for preparing a series of training sessions and educational materials for local Ukrainian Red Cross branches to establish an ongoing dialogue with the affected population. Overall, the findings from the Working Group on ″Information as Assistance″ will enhance the process of delivering essential information to communities, making it more relevant, efficient, and closely aligned with their needs. 

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