Two Active Longevity Clubs Operate in the Ternopil Region – Spaces Where Elderly People Feel Supported and Have Opportunities to Spend Their Leisure Time

Two Active Longevity Clubs Operate in the Ternopil Region – Spaces Where Elderly People Feel Supported and Have Opportunities to Spend Their Leisure Time

The Ternopil regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross, with assistance from the Swiss Red Cross, has established two Active Longevity Clubs in the Lanivtsi territorial community: one in the town of Lanivka and another in the village of Yuskivtsi. These clubs aim to assist elderly people with social integration in their communities, provide additional training, improve mental health, and offer information aimed at protecting their lives and health.  

Currently, volunteers are actively implementing computer literacy training, various psychosocial support activities, literature evenings, joint film screenings, and other activities for elderly people in Active Longevity Clubs to meet their needs and desires. 

Supporting elderly people and creating healthy longevity programmes are among the most important areas of assistance provided by the Ukrainian Red Cross.  Helping elderly people is a significant focus of our work. 

We stand by those in need. 

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