Meeting Another Evacuation Train in Dnipro

Meeting Another Evacuation Train in Dnipro

People flee from the dangerous areas of the Donetsk region with small suitcases, some carrying just one bag containing essential documents. Many evacuees leave behind everything they have accumulated over the years, and some have no place to return to. These are such different stories, yet sad. Due to the full-scale invasion, people are forced to take their most valuable possessions – their health – and seek refuge in safer places.  

It is important that evacuated people receive support. That is why the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response teams regularly meet evacuation trains. They help people get off the trains, carry their belongings, offer psychological support, and, if necessary, administer first aid. Evacuees are also provided with humanitarian aid, sometimes transported to shelters or given essential information support. 

Photo: Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team in the Dnipro region meet another evacuation train arriving from the Donetsk region to Dnipro. 

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