Donetsk Regional Office of the Ukrainian Red Cross Reopens in Kramatorsk

Donetsk Regional Office of the Ukrainian Red Cross Reopens in Kramatorsk

In April 2022, the office of the Donetsk regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross was relocated from Kramatorsk to Dnipro to ensure the safety of humanitarian aid recipients. Today, after more than two years, the Donetsk regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross has returned to Kramatorsk, resuming its operations in the city and continuing to assist those who remain in the part of the Donetsk region controlled by the Ukrainian government. 

Currently, the Donetsk regional branch has 25 employees and over 200 volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross. More than 10 programmes, including home-based care and mobile health units, are being implemented, and two emergency response teams are also in operation. 

It is worth noting that on the first day of the work of the reopened office, the team from the Eastern Interregional Office of the Ukrainian Red Cross, along with partners from the International Red Cross Movement and the Director General of the European Region from Geneva, discussed ways to provide relevant and timely assistance to the population that is currently remaining in settlements of the Donetsk region, which is under the control of the Government of Ukraine. 

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