Knowledge that Saves Lives: Team of Young Firefighters Was Taught First Aid by Instructors from the Lviv Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross

Knowledge that Saves Lives: Team of Young Firefighters Was Taught First Aid by Instructors from the Lviv Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross

First aid skills are always in demand. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where someone they know, or even a stranger on the street, needs help. What should you do until the ambulance arrives? 

Now, young firefighters from School No. 48 in Lviv know how to act, thanks to an engaging and informative training session conducted by an instructor from the Ukrainian Red Cross of the Lviv region. 

“First, we ensure our own safety. After that, we check whether the person is conscious. Then, we assess breathing by looking and listening. Finally, we place the victim in a stable lateral position” – this is a summary of what the young firefighters learned during the first module of the training. 

In another module, the young firefighters learned about injuries and bleeding. The children practised techniques for controlling bleeding. 

Additionally, the children were instructed on proper procedures for dealing with burns and how to assist a person who is choking. 

In general, the event was intense, offering both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The instructor effectively conveyed necessary information to the children in a meaningful and engaging manner, using real-life examples. 


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