Команди волонтерів загону швидкогфVolunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Emergency Response Teams Facilitated the Interregional Transportation of a Patient Who Was Injured During the Shelling of Odesa о реагування Українського Червоного Хреста здійснили міжобласне транспортування пацієнта, який постраждав під час обстрілу Одеси

Команди волонтерів загону швидкогфVolunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Emergency Response Teams Facilitated the Interregional Transportation of a Patient Who Was Injured During the Shelling of Odesa о реагування Українського Червоного Хреста здійснили міжобласне транспортування пацієнта, який постраждав під час обстрілу Одеси

During a recent shelling incident in Odesa, a family from Sumy, who were present in the city at the time, was affected. As a result, the man sustained serious injuries. While the doctors at Odesa City Clinical Hospital provided necessary first aid, it became evident that the patient required further treatment and rehabilitation at home.  

Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross emergency response team in the Odesa region collaborated with their counterparts in the Sumy region to coordinate the transportation route and facilitate the transfer of the patient from the medical facility in Odesa to the hospital in Sumy. Equipped with the necessary medical gear, including special vehicles capable of accommodating patients in a supine position, and staffed with trained volunteers ready to administer first aid if required, the patient was promptly transported to Sumy. He is currently receiving further treatment at home. 

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