Visit of the Röda Korset Representatives to the Sumy Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross

Visit of the Röda Korset Representatives to the Sumy Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross

“I used to be alone, and here, at the meetings, I found a friend. And today, I am in a much better mood because I knew I would come here,″ said Valentyna, one of the participants in the psychosocial support event.

Representatives from the Röda Korset (Swedish Red Cross) visited the Sumy regional branch of the Ukrainian Red Cross to learn about the organisation’s activities and identify needs at the local level. As part of the visit, they attended weekly events for the elderly held at Sumy Library Branch No. 10. 

It should be noted that the National Societies of Ukraine and Sweden have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation until 2030. Almazbek Usenov, Programme Manager, and Karen Bjonerstad, Representative of the Swedish Red Cross in Ukraine, discussed the prospects for partnership and support for the population.

Psychologist Yuliia Hrytsenko mentioned that such events are held to create a space for communication and provide support for participants during this difficult time. Open communication, a sense of security, and positive feedback have shown that mutual understanding and support are crucial for the elderly. That is why our team stands by those in need.

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