Over the Past Month, More Than 2,100 People Living in Remote Areas of the Cherkasy Region Have Received Primary Medical Care from Mobile Health Units of the Ukrainian Red Cross

Over the Past Month, More Than 2,100 People Living in Remote Areas of the Cherkasy Region Have Received Primary Medical Care from Mobile Health Units of the Ukrainian Red Cross

The Ukrainian Red Cross mobile health units are mobile teams of medical professionals who provide primary health care to the population in the most affected regions and in remote areas where people have limited or difficult access to medical services. These units serve as the state’s rapid assistance in overcoming the humanitarian problems of local communities and strengthening primary healthcare facilities.  

The Ukrainian Red Cross mobile health unit comprises a family doctor, a nurse, and a driver. These specialists offer consultations and health check-ups, including measuring blood pressure, blood sugar, and oxygen levels. They prescribe treatment plans and provide free general therapeutic medicines to alleviate people’s health conditions. Additionally, when required, the teams promptly transport individuals to medical facilities. 

In the Cherkasy region, six mobile health units operated by the Ukrainian Red Cross regularly visit remote settlements in the Monastyryshche, Zvenyhorodka, Drabiv, Chyhyryn, Smila, and Kaniv communities. In just one month, these units provided medical consultations to over 2,100 people. 

The activities of the Ukrainian Red Cross mobile health units in the Cherkasy region are supported by the Canadian Red Cross. You can learn more about their work here. 

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